"We work every day...not just sale day!"

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Finally our President has seen a flicker of light and backed off his quest to make it so that farm and ranch kids can't help out with the regular chores and duties that's been expected of them since the beginning of time.  Doesn't he know that work ethic got it's beginnings in the field of agriculture?  Farmers and ranchers are the core of existence.  Come on Mr. President, get a hold of the rope,  kids who grow up without responsibility are the crux of this county's problems.  Work is theraputic!  Let 'em do it at home and away from home.  Those who learn to work, like to work.  What a novel idea.   

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The American Meat Institute has developed and educational website on Lean Finely Textured Beef - aka "Pink Slime". I would encourage anyone and everyone in and around the cattle business to go to www.meatsafety.org and become informed. I am tempted to report what I learned from the site but don't want you to have a reason not to go there and learn for yourself. The site has all the facts, simple as they are, spelled out via video and print. It's unfortunate we didn't have this information before the story went viral. Let's learn from the experience and educate ourselves so we can block future attempts to damage our industry.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The end of the spring 2012 bull sale season is rapidly closing in on us. It's been a fantastic run with record prices, plenty of enthusiasm, and quality next to none. Much of the area I travel is in need of rain but the forecast looks like that could happen soon. Calving has never been easier! Now we need grass to turn them out on. With current gas, fertilizer, and other input prices we'll need all the pounds we can get. There's lot's of speculation out there regarding feeder calf prices this summer. Like I've said before, it's supply and demand at it's finest but let's not let greed and ingorance get in the way of progress.

Can't speak for you but I'd whole lot rather talk about rain or lack thereof, high or low gas prices, how much a 600 pound calf might bring in July, or anything but all this election junk we're getting shoved up our alley on a daily basis. If you or I ran our operations the way most politicians run theirs, there'd for sure be too much bull to service the shrinking cow herd. I'd rather watch the grass grow!