"We work every day...not just sale day!"

Monday, October 31, 2011


The next six weeks will bring the fall sale season loaded with top quality bulls and volumes of commercial bred heifers. There's lots of anticipation regarding bred heifer prices this year. Interest is high and the quality as usual is great. If you or anyone you know is in the market and I can help in any way don't be afraid to give me a call. I'd be happy to lend a hand or take a look and let you know what I think.

Winter will be setting in soon...Denver and New York know all about it. It won't be long before feeding season. Thankfully everyone in our part of the country seems to have ample hay supplies and some even had hay to sell. Hay prices are the topic of conversation no matter where you go. Drought area demand put a lot of pressure on local supplies.

Properly supplemented fall feed is critical to good brood cow nutrition. Now is the time to get cows ready for next years production cycle. Remember you can do for one dollar now what it would take two dollars after she calves when it comes to building body condition and making her ready for re breeding in the spring.

Hope to see you at one or more of the fall production sales.

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