"We work every day...not just sale day!"

Friday, December 2, 2011


There's something magical about December first when it comes to the replacement female trade. October is 'lot of talk' month. November is 'gear up' month. Then December hits and 'all heifer' breaks loose!

If prices of bred females are any indication, the market for feeder calves stands to remain strong for some time down the road. Everywhere I go folks are asking about replacements, either how are they priced, or where can they be found. It seems like those who have them for sale are holding firm and those who are looking to buy are running a little scared.

It's a lot like the political scene, those that 'got 'em' and those who 'want 'em'. Both are in the same business but sitting on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to makeing the deal. Those paying high dollar for bred heifers and replacement heifer calves are hoping the market continues to climb. Bet their bankers are thinking that too! That same banker is smiling over pay downs from those selling on this fantastic market.

GOOD TIMES in our business...wonder how long it will last? I have to keep reminding myself that we are in the 'wow' part of the cydle.

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